When Opportunity Knocks... I Answer!

Can we talk about something really scary?  College x 3. What can I say? It crept up on us.  And when my oldest son was a freshman in high school, my friends who had older kids shared how much the average year of college cost and it scared the living crap out of us.  And things were already tight.

What is Greenwashing? A Closer Look.

As we become more environmentally conscious, companies are quick to boast about their “green” behavior. But how much can we believe their claims? Sadly, many companies are guilty of “greenwashing,” or making false or misleading statements about their products...

Why I Got Started Using Essential Oils

You know when you’re in the right place at the right time, it can’t be anything less than divine intervention. When a rather intuitive friend of mine told me that an essential oil technique called Raindrop could really help people with Multiple Sclerosis and to keep an ear open for those who need it, I listened... 

What is the 14-Day Reset?

The 14-Day Reset is an ongoing, monthly program that is available FREE to all Young Living members. I was at my heaviest weight after having my 2nd baby in 2018. Over time, I was able to lose some of the excess weight but getting rid of those last 15-20 pounds was so dang hard for me. I hit a plateau and nothing that I tried worked. Then I saw the amazing results some of my friends were having by focusing on reversing inflammation in the body which ultimately led me to THE 14-DAY RESET!

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