Hi, I'm Suzanne!

Welcome to my hippie little boho take on the world!  I’m a Jersey girl down to my toes, but I let the wind take me like dandelion fuzzies on joyful explorations to places of adventure!

Married over 30 years to the most handsome man who unconditionally loves my every scar, curve, and breath... and I, his. We created three amazing men who fill me with pride on the daily.

I like to make people feel better, so for the last 20 years, I have collaborated with clients to create their very own empowerment plans.  My diverse box of tools leaves them elevated, relaxed, and smelling like a slice of heaven!

“Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” 
—Winnie the Pooh

I enjoy watching the sunset over the Blue Ridge Mountains, playing summer-long games of Rummy on our back deck until the fireflies come out, making meals from scratch with farmer’s market ingredients, watching butterflies flit and float, belly laughing with friends, impromptu road tripping and getting filthy in the garden nurturing my heirloom perennials.

See, the outdoors and I are dear friends and I’d love to introduce you two because I think you’ll REALLY hit it off!  And the three of us can experience some fun together!
More Ways to Connect

Visit here to explore various storytelling posts on living a healthy lifestyle outdoors, butterflying, forest bathing and so much more! While you are there, don't forget to subscribe so you stay in the know!

I love meeting new people and building meaningful relationships while inspiring, supporting, and doing life with others. Let's connect and become friends on Facebook. Look for me on Instagram, too! 

Uncover my secrets to staying healthy and living a life full of adventure, abundance and vitality. Afterall, bodies that want to play hard need extra support and I'm just the person to help you!