Beauty in all Seasons

When I see leaves dancing merrily to the ground, I can literally feel their relief of a life well-lived.  While I imagine their excitement in Spring to be born to such a beautiful world, their reaching up to the sun to fuel their growth, their glee in a summer rain shower after a hot day… I also imagine how much they wanted to feel the stillness of the earth and how they longed to experience the softness of the grass.

You're Not Turning Into a Weird Bird Lady, Are You?

I love how my family looks out for my mental well-being.  And yes, I suppose I am! My desk sits in front of the perfect bird-watching window with a new squirrel-proof bird feeder perfectly aligned for my viewing pleasure. This is thanks to the same child and husband concerned about my avian bird obsession.

Waterfalling: Don’t get NEAR it, get IN it!

My waterfalling adventures began in the White Mountains in New Hampshire in July 2009. It probably wasn’t the first waterfall this former Girl Scout had experienced, but it was undoubtedly the first one I couldn’t keep out of! Our close friend, Shauna, had been leading wilderness training...

Earthing: It's Ok. Take Off Your Shoes!

You are never fully prepared to say goodbye to your mother. While I had seen her soul thrive in some ways in her later years, I also had a front-row seat to watch the process of a body aging out. At 92, I held her hand as she took her last breath and my heart ached.

Intro to Joyful Splashing!

During “The Great Pause”, Self Care became a big buzz term. With my busy life, I always wished for more hours in the day, more days in the week, yatta yatta yatta.  However, when my wish was granted, I admit I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I even caught myself saying the phrase that was the biggest punishable offense in our house... 

How Massage Therapy Found Me!

Sometimes wanting one income to be enough for a family of five just isn’t enough.  And three growing, active boys can be a lot.  My entrepreneurial-minded brain started churning. How could I make something work from home?  Not to brag, but I was always being told how much people loved my cooking, so why not start my own personal chef business? 

Health Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

"When it comes to improving your physical, emotional, and mental health, essential oils have been a popular go-to for centuries." The use of essential oils has been growing in popularity as many people seek a more natural and holistic approach to self-care. They are known for their therapeutic properties and can do wonders for your mood, relieve stress and anxiety, and help support...
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