Healthy Living
"I Choose to Live Agelessly..." 

Age is Just a Number
I believe there are far too many people who take every ache and pain, every sleep-challenged night, and every hot flash as a sign to give up because they are “old”. I am also not blind to the reality of this season of my life. I just work to modify it.

Let’s put it all on the table to discuss, not dwell on:
  • As we mature, so do our bodies.
  • Bodies that want to play hard need more support.
More facts:
  • A body in motion stays in motion.
  • Connection with nature increases longevity.

I have an 86-year-old client who is an outright superhero to me. She wants to live independently for as long as possible. And she does #allthe things: walks every day with walking sticks, swims weekly, lifts light weights while watching TV; takes supplements to support her muscles, joints, and brain, and gets monthly massages. She makes sure to stay in touch with old friends and believes laughter is the best medicine. 

And she lives in gratitude for it all. May. We. All... have gratitude for it all. totally want to be HER when I grow up!

So here’s what I do so that I can enjoy life on MY terms:

  • Walk/hike at least 3 times a week
  • Do strength training twice weekly
  • Listen to my body and rest when I need to recover
  • Use essential oils and supplements derived from nature to support every body system that is imbalanced
  • Live life joyfully and surround myself with people who make me feel better just enjoying their company
  • Keep a gratitude journal and work to keep a positive mindset
  • I get outside every chance I get

When I say “ageless”, I want to be clear:  I don’t EVER use my age as an excuse.  This Woo Girl (the overly excited person at the bar who is identified by the “woo!” sound she makes) celebrates each and every birthday for being true to myself, living my life goals, and as a blessed accomplishment.

So, is it time for you to stop thinking about “the number” and start measuring life differently? 

Maybe it’s listing all the adventures you took. Maybe it’s how many times you said “yes” to something new. Maybe it’s all the ways that you chose to support your body and not complain about it.

I’m here for you.  And it’s always fun when you are playing with your friends! 

Sign up for my free guide and discover a surprisingly simple path to wellness. With my tips, you'll have the energy and stamina to play outside and live your best life.


Learn more about the Reset program and what I am doing to keep me living well. Find out how you can join me and get started on a health journey of your own.


In this guide, we explore the world of aromatherapy and its incredible benefits. Diving into essential oils can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! 


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